Pet Owners Only

I love my dog. Actually, maybe a little obsessed with him.

I know I know, you've heard it a million times. Who doesn't love their pet?

I didn't even want a dog. My dad thought it would be a great idea if I got a dog at 15 to mend my first breakup and steer me away from my new boyfriend who was 19. A dad does what he has to do.
It was a beautiful black pug. Men in black had just come out with their movie and had a talking pug. It was a no brainer at the time. I really wanted to name my first dog Elvis but this pug turned out to be a female (thanks dad) so I went with Ellevis.

No one told me how much responsibility it was. Actually my mother did. Mind you - it was after we brought her home after she said no. I felt like this was much more than I anticipated. They don't just sit cute all of the time. You're dealing with hefty vet visits, maintenance, bathing, feeding, walks. That's just minor. What about their puppy training. How many puddles of pee did we walk in at the start. You're having to analyze the firmness of their poop when you're taking them out 3 times a day. What about that dog food that just was a no-go for their stomach? Or that bone that was coming out on both ends. I quickly realized it wasn't for me. I ended up convincing my mom that she deserved to be the primary caregiver. She was a better candidate for the job. She had nurtured four kids.

Reesie and Tolmie
When Kris was going to look at puppies that was recommended to us by one of our girlfriends, being the voice of reason, I went along for the ride. I was excited to play with puppies but I remember how much work they are. We had all traveled to Miami together and went on our first cruise adventure. Cait loves her berner. She spoke so highly of that specific breed. You play with 7 puppies and try not to get attached. I decided to call my parents to inform them I was considering getting a dog (I lived on my own but I need to bounce ideas off). Their response was absolutely not. I had a lot to consider. I went in there with a no way am I getting a pup to I live in a condo and I work long days - did I mention the responsibility?  

I bet you're wondering why I didn't go to a shelter to adopt. As much as I would have loved to - four years ago - I was viciously attacked twice by an abused dog that my family was trying to adopt. It was an extremely unfortunate situation. Having lived with dogs (sometimes 2-3 at a time) and being a serious lover of all animals - I didn't think much about it. It tooks years to overcome this silly feeling of being afraid. I would have an awry feeling around dogs. I would cross streets - yeah, I became that person.

I overcame my fear, slowly. I named him Reese's Pieces.

He gets more attention than five beautiful girls in swimsuits (maybe I'm exaggerating a tad). I get asked the basic dog questions; "how old is he?" "OMG look at those paws" "He is so big" "how much does he weigh" "is he a full breed?". I love talking about my dog. When Kris and I are together - it's ten times worse. I'm not going to lie - they are awful together but soulmates. Think of brother and sister twins hanging out two to three times a week. You'd think it would get easier by now.
I was outside, taking him out when I ran into one of my neighbors in the building. It was the first time I was chatting with him. My dog has saved me from awkward social meetings with strangers. I had to train him for the elevator encounters. As soon as he sees hands - he expects to be petted. When I ran into my neighbor - he asked me what his name was - I said "Reese". He responded by saying is his last name Witherspoon? A tad insulted (he's a boy and granted he doesn't know this) - I responded as I was walking away with a "No - it's Pieces". He has never forgotten his name to this day. Reese gets more excited and tail wagging when you call him Mr.Pieces.

He is a character and people fall in love immediately. He listens well (after I did one on one training classes) and when solo, he is incredibly well behaved. Hard to believe he is a year and a half. He's still growing yet very happy dog. He gets two walks a day and visits his neighborhood friends at least 3-4x/week. I can't imagine my life without him. He is the best thing that's ever happened to me. He was the missing piece to my heart. He makes me feel safe. He's my greatest achievement. He was a risk worth taking. 

You can also see more photos and videos on Instagram of Reese and Tolmie #Reesethegiant


  1. this dog is perfect

  2. Ashley he's the cutest! I love when he visits me!

    1. Thank you so much! Happy to hear you enjoy him just as much as I do :D

  3. What made you decide to finally get a dog? Another breakup? Or the cuteness haha

    1. I needed to practice for when I have children ;)

  4. I'd love to hear more about your training Ash! You have a rocking bod and you're still good when you go out!! You seem to have impeccable balance <3 your blog girl

    1. Hmm I've been talking about doing one so maybe I'm due :p

      Thanks for telling me I have a rocking bod (*blushes) - and thank you for reading! You're a gem xx

  5. i really love it. simply loving it. it is related to awesome. just love the way you are working it. dog food recipes


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